Friday, December 19, 2008

Playtime, Cookies and Snow

It's been a busy December here in our home. We've been taking lots of time to play and enjoy the season though! Evie has been learning SO much in the last few weeks, I am totally amazed at all the words she knows now. She has also taken up the habit of dragging you by the hand to exactly what she wants to show you. (Cute, but makes it hard to do anything of my own!) She's quite a live wire and always has silly ideas.

She has totally fallen in love with "Shrek"! She asks to watch this movie every single day. Here she's relaxing against daddy's pillow while it is playing.

She loves bathtime, and lately running around naked after bathtime...

Today it is snowing buckets!! We have about 8 inches so far and more yet to come. Here's the view out our window around 10am this morning:

and thanks to all that pretty snow I got to have the day off work! Whoo Hoo! Which gave Evie and I the chance to decorate our cutout Christmas cookies. She did great with them

well... she did great until she got ahold of the sugar shaker and dumped it all out... Oops. Then she had a fantastic time playing with it and trying to put it back in. Ah, just another mess... I didn't really mind.

Pretty good job on the decorating, right?


Kristin said...

Awww, looks like you two had so much fun today! Good for you putting up with a mess so that Evie could enjoy that with you. She's so cute relaxing and watching her movie!